Policy Information

Family in the beach
Insurance policy

Educate yourself on our policies

The information below will cover the date of your coverage, dues, termination and privileges. If, at any time, you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Effective date of coverage

If less than 31 days have passed since you completed your training at the Police Academy, coverage will be effective upon submission of your request to the Association. If past the 31 days, completion of the request and health statements, are required to which coverage will be effective upon the approval of your request and by the Insuring Carrier of the health statement.

Monthly dues

Monthly dues are deducted from your payroll. However, completion of an authorization card is required for payroll deductions. Dues will be based on your attained age.

Termination of accident insurance

The accident insurance for your dependents will be terminated if your membership in the Association is terminated or if the plan is discontinued. The insurance of a dependent will additionally terminate if he/she is no longer an eligible dependent. Personal Accident Insurance for both you and your dependents will terminate upon your retirement age of 61.

Policy and certificates

Insurance plans have been generalized on this website for simplicity. For a more detailed description of your benefits, please refer to the master policy issued to the Association. The extent of the insurance for each individual is governed at all times by the complete terms in the master Group Insurance Policy issued by the insurance company presently providing coverage.

Conversion privilege

During the 31 days following the termination of your membership, you may change your group life insurance, without medical examination, to one of a number of the present carriers' individual life policies. The chosen policy will be effective following the end of the 31-day period, and the premiums will be the same as if you applied for an individual policy at that time. If you were to pass away during this 31-day period, your group life insurance will be paid whether or not you have applied for an individual policy.

Call us to inquire about policy options.


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